Apr 6Liked by Hannah Griffin

Drawn by the setting, I have wanted to read this book but every time I open it at the store, online or in the bookstore just before getting it, I stop. I can't imagine getting past the opening pages. The writing there is very over-the-top for me. Your review makes me think that there is better stuff ahead so I will give it another go.

A small, possibly ridiculous issue: they are running north in early June in New England. Berries are mentioned and, yes, depending on where they are starting from, strawberries are a possibility then -- but not in the north. And the rustling fields of goldenrod in which they roll: the implication is that the plants are grown when most don't reach their fullness until late August or early September and don't bloom until then. I found myself wondering how much rustling was coming from the goldenrod itself and not the early growth of whatever vegetation (usually really scratchy and uncomfortable to lie in). Nerdy and stupid, I know. Sometimes I'm surprised by what takes me out of a story.

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Loved north Woods!! It was one of those that grew on me the more I thought about it too. Seems perfect for blueberry sourdough bagels

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