Jul 29Liked by Hannah Griffin

I'm about halfway through Good Material, so I tried hard not to read your review in case it influenced me, but I couldn't resist peeking. I was just thinking he is very sorry for himself, so I look forward to reading Jen's perspective. There are two sides to everything, as they say.

Love the sound of the honey oat sourdough. It's absolutely freezing here in Australia, so I'm all up for some toast and jam.

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So sorry for himself haha. A very self indulgent protagonist, that's for sure!

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After reading your review, I’m adding this to my TBR. Thank you! Colour me intrigued. 🤔

Also, I’m celiac and I LOVE your descriptions of bread. Enjoying the (literary) gluten wonders vicariously.

Looking forward to hearing what you think of Butter. The title recently came across my radar and looks Iike quite a ride! 🧈

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Thanks Ryan! I'm excited to read Butter—a friend was raving about it so looking forward to starting it this week :)

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The book sounds entertaining. I wouldn't be surprised if it's made into a film--Hugh Grant's probably too old for the part now, but in that mold.

Definitely interested in trying to make that bread, though my starter needs some TLC and I seem to have lost my knack with sourdough! I sympathize with not wanting to turn on the oven in this heat. We've got a/c, but it seems like a waste of energy to crank it up while blasting the oven.

You definitely live in a charming part of B.C. We've been there--and it's gorgeous, but coping with summer heat is no fun. Wishing you cooler temps soon, Hannah!🧊

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Hi Ruth, oh that's cool you have been to Revelstoke, indeed it is very beautiful! And yes, I can see this being made into a movie for sure.

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Jul 29Liked by Hannah Griffin

Yummy bread! I would love to a recipe of sourdough!!

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Hi Dana! Here is a sourdough recipe I usually use: https://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-make-sourdough-bread-224367

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Thank you so much! I will let you know when I try it. BTW I have a Hungarian starter from the 1800s that I neglected. It has turned brown, but I’m told if I feed it it will be healthy again. Do you know anything about the science of feeding a starter and keeping it healthy?

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oh amazing! so I feed mine by discarding half and then adding in equal parts flour and warm water. Some people feed it every day if they are baking bread a lot, but I will bake maximum once a week. So I feed it, let it rise, and then put it in the fridge when I'm not using it. A starter is fermentation at work, and when you put it in the fridge it slows down that process, so you can leave it without feeding for up to a few weeks until you are ready to bake bread again.

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That sounds amazing! Thank you so much. What kind of flour do you use to feed the starter?

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just regular all purpose flour :)

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